dr hab. Jörg Kleemann, prof. US

Jörg Kleemann

Katedra Archeologii US

Gabinet: 074A

ORCID: 0000-0002-4408-263X


E mail: jorg.kleemann@usz.edu.pl



Born in the isolated island of former West-Berlin I studied prehistoric archaeology, medieval and modern history as also art history at the Freie Universität in West-Berlin and the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität in Bonn (Westgermany). In 1991 I defended my doctoral thesis about the gravefinds of the carolingian period in Nordwestern Germany in Bonn and in 2002 my habitilitation thesis about the development and motivation of the weapon burial rite in graves from Northern Germany in the second till sixth century A.D. at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
After my studies I worked in archaeological enterprises and held lectures at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, the Eötvös-Loránd-University in Budapest and the UMCS in Lublin. In 2006 – 2009 I worked as professor at the Institute of Archaelogy of the UMCS Lublin and since 2011 I have this position at the University of Szczecin.

Research interests

  • The interaction of the Roman Empire and its barbarian periphery as basis of the medieval Europe
  • The grave rituals as source of ancient peoples and their social structure
  • Interdisciplinary methods of grave analysis
  • The production and distribution of ancient objects between North Africa, the Iberic Peninsula, Scandinavia and Central Europe

Teaching and research projects at Szczecin with participation in grants

  • Wielbark Archaeological Field School granted 2012-2014 as ERASMUS-IP and since 2015 with ERAMUS+ STA from the European Union
  • Niedokończona historia. Ponad 100 lat odkryć w Malborku-Wielbarku granted by the NCN

Membership in international scientific societies

  • Association pour l’antiquité tardive (APAT)

Selected publications
J. Kleemann 2010: Frühmittelalterliche Bestattungen als Projektionen kontextueller Identitäten. In: W. Pohl / M. Mehofer (eds.), Archaeology of Identity – Archäologie der Identität, Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Philosophisch-historische Klasse, Denkschriften 406, Forschungen zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 17 (Wien), 79-92.
J. Kleemann 2010: Im Westen nichts neues? In: A. Urbaniak / R. Prochowicz et alii (eds.), Terra Barbarica. Studia ofiarowane Magdalenie Mączyńskiej w 65. rocznicę urodzin (Łódż – Warszawa), 73-78.
J. Kleemann 2011: Karolingisches Fundgut im Südosten und das Verhältnis lokaler Eliten zum Karolingerreich. Antaeus 31–32 (2010), 2011, 81–91.
J. Kleemann 2015: Hospes: Archäologische Aspekte zur Integration von Barbaren in das römische Imperium. Eine vergleichende Betrachtung zur Beigabensitte in gallischen und pannonischen Provinzen. In: T. Vida (ed.), Romania Gothica II. The Frontier World. Romans, Barbarians and Military Culture (Budapest), 499-515.
J. Kleemann 2017: Did the Goths Really Come from Poland? Changing Interpretations in Changing Political Situations. In: J. López Quiroga, M. Kazanski & V. Ivanišević (eds.), Entangled Identities and Otherness in Late Antique and Early Medieval Europe. Historical, Archaeological and Bioarchaeological Approaches, BAR Int. Ser. 2852, Series ASLAEME 5 (Oxford), 40-47.
J. Kleemann 2017: Die Ausgrabungen des Städtischen Museums Marienburg im Gräberfeld Malbork-Wielbark, Fundstelle 1 in den Jahren 1927-1932, 1934 und 1936 (Lublin).
J. Kleemann, P. Łuczkiewicz & J. Münster 2017: Alte und neue Fibelfunde aus Malbork-Wielbark (Polen). In: E. Droberjar / B. Komoróczy (eds.), Römische und germanische Fibeln in Mitteleuropa, Archeologie barbarů 2012, Spisy Archeologického Ústavu AV ČR Brno 53 (Brno), 227-249.
J. Kleemann 2018: Küsten sind offene Grenzen. In: B. Niezabitowska-Wiśniewska, P. Łuczkiewicz, S. Sadowski, M. Stasiak-Cyran & M. Erdrich (eds.), Studia Barbarica. Profesorowi Andrzejowi Kokoskiemu w 65. Rocznicę urodzin, Tom. II (Lublin), 100-116.
J. Kleemann, J. Chanko, M. Chmiel-Chrzanowska and K. Misterek 2018: Wielbark Archaeological Field School – Ausgrabungen in Malbork-Wielbark (pomorskie) in den Jahren 2014 und 2015. In: E. Trawicka (Hrsg.), XX Sesja Pomorzoznawcza (Gdańsk 2018), 125-140.
M. Daszkiewicz, P. Łuczkiewicz, J. Kleemann & A. Kuzioła 2019: What shall we put in the grave? Physical and chemical analyses of ceramics from a late Pre-Roman period, Roman and Migration period cemetery in Malbork-Wielbark, northern Poland. Praehistorische Zeitschrift 94, 414-453.